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Investment Data Management powered by AI




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Investment Data Management powered by AI




Contact Us

Investment Data Management powered by AI


Who We Are

Welcome to Collation.AI

Welcome to Collation.AI

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to redefine the way wealth professionals collate, analyze and report financial information.

Our Clientele

Our clients are Single Family Offices, Multi Family Offices, Wealth Managers, RIAs, Accountants, Trustees, Private Bankers etc. who want to create highly relevant and insightful reports for their customers.

How We Help?

Pain points we Solve

How We Help?

Pain points we Solve

Wealth Data Aggregation is still manual?

Data Processing is still manual?

Reporting is still manual?

Investment Accounting is stil manual?

Document Archiving is still manual?

Pain points

Data can be in many different formats and it is hard to aggregate, standardize, normalize, reconcile, and report on the data that is in different formats i.e. Data in PDF which is very complex (Alternatives, Bank Statements <outside North America>, Data in API/CSV (Bank, Broker and Custodian data), Data in Excel (Family Tree, Trust Structures, Real Estate, Insurance & etc.).


The Solution is replacing manual work by correctly configured Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Collation.AI converts incoming PDF Data format into a CSV Data format via AI tools.

We also aggregate your data across your incumbent portfolio booking systems (PMS), accounting systems, client relationship management systems (CRM), order management systems (OMS), financial planning systems (FP) & etc.

Wealth Data aggregation is still manual ?

Wealth Data processing is still manual

Wealth Data reporting is still manual

Investment Accounting is still manual

Document Archiving is still manual

Wealth Data aggregation is still manual ?

Wealth Data processing is still manual

Wealth Data reporting is still manual

Investment Accounting is still manual

Document Archiving is still manual

Who We Are

Welcome to Collation.AI

Our Mission

We’re on a mission to redefine the way wealth professionals collate, analyze and report financial information.

Our Clientele

Our clients are Single Family Offices, Multi Family Offices, Wealth Managers, RIAs, Accountants, Trustees, Private Bankers etc. who want to create highly relevant and insightful reports for their customers.

How We Help?

Pain points we Solve

How We Help?

Pain points we Solve

Wealth Data Aggregation is still manual?

Data Processing is still manual?

Reporting is still manual?

Investment Accounting is stil manual?

Document Archiving is still manual?

Pain points

Data can be in many different formats and it is hard to aggregate, standardize, normalize, reconcile, and report on the data that is in different formats i.e. Data in PDF which is very complex (Alternatives, Bank Statements <outside North America>, Data in API/CSV (Bank, Broker and Custodian data), Data in Excel (Family Tree, Trust Structures, Real Estate, Insurance & etc.).


The Solution is replacing manual work by correctly configured Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Collation.AI converts incoming PDF Data format into a CSV Data format via AI tools.

We also aggregate your data across your incumbent portfolio booking systems (PMS), accounting systems, client relationship management systems (CRM), order management systems (OMS), financial planning systems (FP) & etc.

Wealth Data aggregation is still manual ?

Wealth Data processing is still manual

Wealth Data reporting is still manual

Investment Accounting is still manual

Document Archiving is still manual

Wealth Data aggregation is still manual ?

Wealth Data processing is still manual

Wealth Data reporting is still manual

Investment Accounting is still manual

Document Archiving is still manual


Our Offering

Our Offering


We cover all asset classes from Listed Equity, Bonds, Funds to Derivatives, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Real Estate, Collectables like Art / Vintage Cars, Watches & etc.’’


A large set of analytics and reports is available out of the box. Clients also have the ability to create their own reports, either manually or by using our AI drive plain English interface.


Clients can connect their database to any analytics tool they wish ranging from Power BI and Tableau to Data Bricks and Snowflake. Microsoft Co-Pilot for Power BI will be available when launched. If you were imagining a world where you can effortlessly convert all your raw data into insights using the power of AI, then that is exactly the world we are creating

Why Choose Us

The Top Reasons to Choose Us

The Top Reasons to Choose Us

Segregated Database per Client

Collation.AI creates a separate database for each client. So you can create new tables and add their own customized data as needed. Other vendors typically impose the same rigid data structure (i.e. single schema in a single database) on all clients and this means that they can only solve problems that are common across all clients, but not per individual client!

All Data Formats as a Data Source are Accepted

Collation.AI excepts all Data formats as a Data Source i.e. PDF, CSV, API, XML, Excel, Data from Existing Systems, etc.

Various Wealth / Investment Accounting / Expense Reports are provided

Collation.AI generates Investment Reporting, Financial Statements, Expense Analysis reports

Fully Customized Reports provided by Collation.AI and the ability to build them by yourself or outsource it to AI

Collation.AI offers Full Flexibility to you in creating Custom Dashboards (either you can create them or we can for you). CoPilot (Microsoft’s AI module integrated into PowerBI) will allow you to ask Plain English questions to get insights on your data at all times, and CoPilot can create dashboards on the fly based on thes answers it provides to your questions.

Contact Us

Let's explore what we can do for you

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United States

263 Tresser Blvd Floor 9, 06901 Stamford – United States


Rigistrasse 2, 6300 Zug - Switzerland

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